• Background

    I once asked a friend of mine how they’d describe me as an actor. They said, “you’re a Grower. You don't stop working to improve a performance or a character until the last bow at the last curtain. You are always leaving room for discovery.“

    Truthfully, leaving room for discovery is how I approach life, work, and everything in between because there is no telling where knowledge or inspiration will come from. It is a type of open-mindedness to life that guides me, rather than forced direction.

    My father used to say, “if you remain open to what can be, you will never worry about where you are because you'll know where you’re going.“ In a way, this mentality has made it that much easier for me to be an artist.

    Art is created with forward momentum, a hope for what will be. As artists, we are forced to think about how what we do now will manifest and impact the future. With stories, we help others to grow.

    And who better to help others grow than a Grower?

  • Theatre Artist

    Alisha Sheth is a performer based in Central Jersey. She began studying the voice at the age of twelve, cultivating her skills through programs such as Westminster Choir College Solo Vocal Artist, NJ Regional Choir, and NJ All-State Choir. Her passion for theater performance was sparked during high school, so she sought out opportunities in local community theaters such as Villagers and Main Street Theatre Company. From there she attended and graduated with her Bachelor’s from NYU’s Vocal Performance Program.

    Since graduating, Alisha has worked in film, opera, and theater both on stage and behind the scenes. Her expertise in entertainment production landed her in South Korea. There she was responsible for writing, producing, and performing educational children’s theater for non-English speaking students with English Musicals Korea. Now back in her home state, she is gigging, teaching, and building her on-camera work experience.

    But all work and no play is never fun. When she isn’t working, you can find her planning her next adventure, traveling to places she has never been, and making friends wherever she goes. After all, she is an ENTJ.